31456 - Union General U.S. Grant, Mounted
16202 - British 43rd Regiment of Foot Defending, 1780
TRW191 - The Apache Scout
ROM079 - The Marching Roman Signifer
ROM078 - The Marching Roman Imaginifer
ROM077 - The Marching Roman Aquilifer
ROM076 - The Marching Roman Vexillum
RAF100 - Battle of Britain Scramble!
RAF095 - Royal Navy Fleet Air Arm Pilot
BHD028 - Mog. Militiaman Captured!
BHD027 - Mog. Militiaman Advancing with a FN/FAL Rifle
BHD026 - Mog. Militiaman Kneeling Firing His AK-47
BHD025 - Mog. Militiaman Lying firing his RPK Light Machine Gun
BHD024 - Mog. Militiaman Celebrating
BHD023 - Mog. Militiaman Looking For Trouble
BHD022 - Mog. Militiaman Standing Firing AK-47
BHD021 - Mogadishu Militiaman Shouting HALT!
BHD018 - "Stay Down!" or "No Man Left Behind"
BHD015 - The Super Six Four Rescue Set
16154 - British 43rd Regiment of Foot, Standing Firing, 1780
16199 - British 43rd Regiment of Foot, Ramming Cartridge, 1780
16198 - British 43rd Regiment of Foot, Tear Cartridge, 1780
16156 - British 43rd Regiment of Foot, Handle Cartridge, 1780
16186 - French Royal Deux-Ponts Officer, 1781
10200 - George Washington, Virginia Regiment, 1755-59
16205 - British 43rd Regiment of Foot Casualty, 1780
16206 - British 43rd Regiment of Foot Drummer Standing, 1780
16155 - British 43rd Regiment of Foot, Make Ready, 1780
16203 - British 43rd Regiment of Foot, Sergeant with Halberd, 1780
16204 - British 43rd Regiment of Foot Casualty Falling, 1780
16188 - French Royal Deux-Ponts Ensign with Color, 1781
16208 - General George Washington Mounted, 1775-80
16207 - British 43rd Regiment of Foot Company Officer, Standing, 1780
CSBS-05B - Confederate Cavalry Officer
CSBS-05A - Confederate Cavalry Officer
USBS-25 - Officer with Map of Virginia
GGMI-06 - Mounted Infantry
GG91-11N - 4 Highlanders, 91st Regiment, Anglo Zulu War
GG91-11 - 2 Highlanders, 91st Regiment
GG91-10 - Sergeant, 91st Regiment, Anglo Zulu War
GG60-04 - 2 Infantry, 3rd Battalion, 60th King's Royal Rifle Corp
WFLAL-05N2 - French Army, Lally's (Irish) Regiment
WFLAL-05 - French Army, Lally's (Irish) Regiment
WB79-02 - Standard Bearer, 79th Regiment of Foot
MBHL-16N - 4 British Marine Casualties, Assault on the Redoubt at Breed's
MBHL-16 - 2 British Marine Casualties, Assault on the Redoubt at Breed's Hill
ABHL-09N - 4 Minutemen, The Assault on the Redoubt at Breed
ABHL-09B - 2 Minutemen, The Assault on the Redoubt at Breed