V012 - BA 64 AC
V010B - SS Guard Winter
V007B - Light Staff Car 1937 Model with Driver and SS Officer - Winter
V007A - Light Staff Car 1937 Model with Driver and SS Officer - Normandy
USA022B - US Army Gal Shannon
USA022A - US Army Gal Laura
USA021B - US Army Gal Wendy
USA021A - US Army Gal Sherry
USA016 - USMC Gun Layer
USA015 - USMC with Cannon Shell
USA011A - US Army Sentry
USA003 - US Army Rangers (Kneeling/Standing)
TGMCLUB008B - The Rebel, Tropical Version
SOV003 - BA 64 AC Russian
SS158B - Hella
SS158A - Edda Shouting
SS157B - Gerta
SS157A - Bertha
SS144A - SS Radio Operator
SS143C - MP40 Gunner (Winter)
SS141B - SS Sniper
SS141A - SS Rifleman
SS134B - Prone Heer MG 34 Team
SS134 - MG 34 Team
SS133B - 80mm Camo Winter Mortar Team
SS133A - 80mm Camo Mortar Team
SS124 - SS Soldier with Mess Tin
SS123 - Relaxed SS NCO with MP40
SS114C - NCO Mortar Crew
SS113C - NCO Mortar Crew
SS098 - Fedor Von Bock
SS084 - Karl Gerd von Runstedt
SS079A - Hans Siegel
SS044D - Opel Blitz Medical Truck Desert
SS042 - Staff Car
SS033A - Battle Group Part 4, Normandy Version
SS032B - Battle Group Part 3, Tropical Version
SS032A - Battle Group Part 3, Normandy Version
SS031A - Battle Group Part 2, Normandy Version
SS029B - Mine Clearers Part 1, Tropical Version
SS029A - Mine Clearers Part 1, Normandy Version
SS023B - Medical Kubelwagen, Desert Version
SS013A - Dead and Surrendering Germans
RS086A - Allied Soldier Charging
RS083 - Dead Japanese Soldier
RS080A - General Yoshujiro Umezu
RS079A - General Percival (Round Base)
RS078A - Lt Gen Suichi Miyakazi