TRW209 - Mounted Bandito #2
TRW208 - Jesus Arriago ‘Chucho el Roto
TRW207 - Winchester Bandito
TRW206 - Mounted Bandito #1
TRW205 - Calvera, the Bandito Chief
TRW204 - Trooper Lying Prone Firing Carbine
TRW203 - Trooper Kneeling & Waiting
TRW202 - Corporal / Bugler with Carbine
TRW201 - Trooper Reloading Carbine
TRW200 - Trooper Crouching Ready
TRW199 - Trooper Standing Firing Carbine
TRW198 - Corporal Crouching Loading Carbine
TRW197 - Trooper Kneeling Firing Carbine
TRW196 - Standing Ready Trooper
TRW195 - Officer Firing Pistol
TRW194 - The Magnificent Seven
TRW193 - 'White Cloud' Advancing Apache Archer
TRW192 - 'Black Knife' Crouching Apache Warrior
TRW191 - The Apache Scout
TRW190 - Lying Prone Apache Firing Carbine