SP092 - Australian Light Horse Bugler
SP091 - Marshal Stalin
SP090 - General Lasalle
SP088 - The Mounted Russian Officer
SP087 - The Medieval Trumpeter
SP085 - Brown Shirt Hitler 1933
SP084 - The Mounted Kaiser
SP081 - The Lion’s Head Wall Fountain (Greystone)
SP079 - Large Equestrian Statue Plinth (Sandstone)
SP078 - Square Statue Plinth (Sandstone)
SP075 - Large Equestrian Statue Plinth (Greystone)
SP074 - Square Statue Plinth (Greystone)
SP058 - The Corner Flower Shop
SP052 - Petrol / Gas Pumps (set of 3)
SP051 - The Normandy Garage
SP050 - French Shop / House
SP042 - The Oil Drums Set (55-gallon drums)
SP028 - Oasis Well
CE021 - British Guard Box