CW139 - Brigadier General Strong Vincent
CW138 - Kneeling Infantryman Firing Rifle
CW137 - Infantryman Advancing (Rifle at Trail)
CW136 - Casualties of War
CW135 - Infantry Reaching For A Cartridge
CW134 - Infantry Biting The Cartridge
CW133 - The Walking Wounded
CW132 - Crouching Advancing
CW131 - Corporal Shouting
CW130 - Infantry Advancing Shooting
CW129 - Infantryman Charging
CW128 - Infantry Corporal Charging
CW127 - Infantryman Advancing (Rifle on shoulder)
CW126 - Infantryman Advancing (Hand on Rifle)
CW125 - Lying Ready
CW124 - Lying Prone Firing
CW123 - Infantry Drummer Boy
CW122 - The Stars & Stripes Forever
CW121 - Sergeant with Regimental Flag
CW120 - Infantry Lieutenant with Sword
CW119 - Colonel John W. McLane
CW118 - Sergeant Firing Pistol
CW117 - Standing Trooper Firing Carbine
CW116 - Kneeling Trooper Firing Carbine
CW115 - Trooper Cocking Carbine
CW114 - Corporal Loading Carbine
CW113 - Carried Off
CW112 - Confederate Cavalry Trooper Aiming Carbine
CW111 - Confederate Cavalry Trooper Loading Carbine
CW110 - Confederate Cavalry Corporal Holding Carbine
CW109 - Confederate Cavalry Sergeant Firing Carbine
CW108 - The Confederate Cavalry Officer
CW107 - 29th Texas Trumpeter
CW106 - General Robert E. Lee
CW105 - Major General J.E.B. Stuart
CW104 - 29th Texas Cavalry Flagbearer
CW031 - Union Standing Ready - King and Country
CW030 - Union Kneeling Ready - King and Country
CW027 - Union Chasseur Standing with Rifle - King and Country
ACW-14 - General Burnside (Mint in Box)