WFLAL-05N2 - French Army, Lally's (Irish) Regiment
WFLAL-05 - French Army, Lally's (Irish) Regiment
WFLAL-03 - Drummer, Lally's (Irish) Regiment
WFLAL-02 - Standard Bearer, Lally's (Irish) Regiment
WFLAL-01 - Officer, Lally's (Irish) Regiment
WFCIP-01N - French Cipaye
WFCIP-01 - French Cipaye
WBS-03N - British Sepoys, Seven Years War
WBS-03 - British Sepoys, Seven Years War
WBS-02N - British Sepoys, Seven Years War
WBS-02 - British Sepoys, Seven Years War
WBS-01 - British Sepoy Officer, Seven Years War
WB84-08N - Coote's 84th Regiment
WB84-08 - Coote's 84th Regiment
WB84-567N - Coote's 84th Regiment
WB84-07 - Coote's 84th Regiment
WB84-06 - Coote's 84th Regiment
WB84-05 - Coote's 84th Regiment
WB84-04 - Drummer, 84th Regiment
WB84-03 - Standard Bearer, 84th Regiment
WB84-02 - Standard Bearer, 84th Regiment
WB84-01 - Officer, 84th Regiment
WB79-02 - Standard Bearer, 79th Regiment of Foot
ROT-09 - Roth Wurzbury Drummer
ROT-08 - Roth Wurzbury Infantry Officer
LEUT-100 - Leuthen Terrain Base The Battle of Leuthen 1757
LEUT-09 - Prussian Grenadiers Attacking Gateway The Battle of Leuthen 1757
LEUT-08 - Prussian Grenadiers Firing The Battle of Leuthen 1757
LEUT-07 - Prussian Grenadiers Advancing #5 The Battle of Leuthen 1757
LEUT-05 - Prussian Grenadier Casualties #2 The Battle of Leuthen 1757
LEUT-04 - Prussian Grenadier Casualties The Battle of Leuthen 1757
LEUT-03 - Prussian Grenadier Advancing #3 The Battle of Leuthen 1757
LEUT-02 - Prussian Grenadier Advancing #2 The Battle of Leuthen 1757