RHA.4. - 2 Add on Horses for RHA.3. and 1 Driver Charging, Royal Horse Artillery
RFA.1 - Cannon, with 5 Man Crew Firing, Royal Foot Artillery
GLI.9. - 6 Marching, Glasgow Highland Light Infantry
GLI.8. - 6 Advancing, Glasgow Highland Light Infantry
DLI.8. - 6 Advancing, 68th Durham Light Infantry
CGF.7. - Officer and Drummer, Coldstream Guards
BRF.5. - Officer with Kings Colour and N.C.O., The Buffs
BNP.4. - Major-General Henry Paget, Earl of Uxbridge, British Personalities
BNP.2 - Major-General Rowland Hill, Mounted
BNP.1. - General the Earl of Wellington, British Napoleonic Personalities
BNG.10 - Six Advancing (6 pcs), Gordon Highlanders
1FG.7. - Standard Bearer with Standard, 1st Life Guards