VN025 - US 25th Infantry Tank Riders - Loading Cartridges and Reading Playboy
VN023 - US 25th Infantry Division Sitting Reading Playboy
VN022 - US 25th Infantry Division Sitting Loading Cartridge
VN021 - US 25th Infantry Division Kneeling Firing M-16
VN020 - US 25th Infantry Division NCO Directing Fire with CAR-15
VN019 - US 25th Infantry Division M2 Mortar Team
VN018 - US 25th Infantry Division Browning M2 MG Team
VN008 - US 25th Infantry Division Kneeling with M-79 "Bloooper" and M-72 LAW
VN005 - US 25th Infantry Division Standing Firing M-16
VN003 - US 25th Infantry Division Kneeling with M-16
VN002 - US 25th Infantry Division Standing with M-16