CBH074 - Lancier Italien, V. 1890
CBH071 - Volontaire de Flandres, Dragon 1762
CBH069 - Hussard d'Arlaban, Espagne, 1834-1839
CBH068 - Grenadier Rgt Dragons Liechteinstein, 1748
CBH066 - Cent-Garde, Cavalry of the Second Empire, 1870
CBH049 - Fernando Alvarez de Toledo, third Duke of Alva
CBH045 - Lance Corporal, Ingermanland Hussars, Crimea 1854
CBH042 - Francesco Morosini, 1619-1694
CBH041 - Corporal, Furst von Liechtenstein Dragoons
CBH040 - Officer Royal Horse Guards, 1833
CBH036 - Neapolitan Guard of Honour, 1850-70
CBH030 - Yeoman of the Guard, English Cavalry 1520-40
CBH028 - Afghan Tribal Warrior, c. 1600
CBH026 - Peter the Great's Dragoon at Poltava, 1709
CBH025 - Trooper, Nicolai Dragoon Regiment, c. 1730
CBH022 - Prince Rupert, 1642
CBH021 - Trumpeter, 7th Uhlans, Austrian Cavalry c. 1855
CBH020 - Frederick Henry II of Orange, 1629
CBH017 - Gallic Warrior, 3rd Century B.C.
CBH015 - Hussar, Lauzun's Legion at Yorktown, 1781
CBH009 - Marshal Turenne, Battle of the Dunes, 1658
CBH006 - Trooper, 4th Dragoons, Balaclava, 1854
CBH002 - Spahi, Régiment d'Oran de l'armée d'Afrique